Why do hearing-impaired children need auditory training?

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  • Views:118
  • Source:Advance Hearing Aids
Parent-child activities are one of the most natural ways for hearing-impaired children to establish listening habits. They are also an indispensable and important teaching link for strengthening auditory understanding and auditory memory. It is an activity that advocates parents and children to have "parent-child fun" together, and that "parents are the most important teachers and playmates in early childhood education", thereby promoting harmonious and happy family relationships and improving the quality of parent-child interaction.

Why do hearing-impaired children need auditory training?

The purpose of auditory training is to allow hearing-impaired children to maximize their residual hearing or reconstruct their auditory system through purposeful and planned auditory function training while wearing hearing aids or cochlear implants. , to cultivate good listening habits of hearing-impaired children, as well as their ability to feel, identify, remember and understand sounds, thereby cultivating their speech hearing and acquiring sound language.

Whether it is a hearing aid or a cochlear implant, they are all hearing aids. The effect varies from person to person, but it is basically difficult to become the same as a child with normal hearing. Whether it can meet the parents' expectations needs to be specific. A detailed analysis of the situation. Therefore, it cannot be summarized that hearing aids or cochlear implants are enough. If you want children to hear well, in addition to choosing the right hearing aid equipment, you still need to do maintenance and effect evaluation of the hearing aid and cochlea. More importantly, you need to do language training.

Specifically, the purpose of auditory training includes the following aspects:
(1) Help hearing-impaired children establish the concept of sound and enable them to understand various aspects of their living environment. sound.
(2) Improve the ability of hearing-impaired children to use their residual hearing to distinguish different sounds.
(3) Cooperate with speech training to allow hearing-impaired children to use their hearing when they begin to learn to speak or interact with people around them.
(4) Help hearing-impaired children establish audio language, develop listening habits, and learn to use auditory feedback to further learn language.

In fact, hearing-impaired children can learn to listen and learn language through listening.

On the one hand, it is possible for hearing-impaired children to learn to listen. The vast majority of hearing-impaired children still have varying degrees of residual hearing. Under normal circumstances, although they cannot hear normal people's speech, they are by no means completely deaf. By amplifying the sound with hearing aids, hearing-impaired children can hear properly. Compensation provides a material basis for learning to listen. With the further development of contemporary hearing aid technology, even children who are profoundly or completely deaf can have their auditory pathways reconstructed through cochlear implants, so that more hearing-impaired children can learn language through hearing.

On the other hand, listening needs to be learned. Hearing-impaired children use hearing aids for hearing compensation. Although they have the ability to perceive sounds, it does not mean that they can understand sounds. This ability to hear sounds is learned and includes the perception of sounds. , the ability to search, analyze, synthesize, identify, appreciate, evaluate, recall, associate, store, etc. needs to be acquired and improved during training and use. This kind of hearing ability is closely related to the human brain, related to people's knowledge and experience, and also related to the person's intellectual development level. Therefore, through targeted auditory training, hearing-impaired children can learn to listen and their auditory abilities can also be improved.