Does uncompensated hearing loss increase the risk of dementia and disability?

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  • Source:Advance Hearing Aids

With the aging of the population, hearing impairment is not only a public health problem, but also a social problem. According to research and surveys, China's population will continue to decline from 2015 to 2050. The population under the age of 70 will gradually decrease, while the population over the age of 70 will gradually increase. China's aging phenomenon is becoming increasingly prominent.
Among China’s huge population base, there is a special group, namely the hearing loss population, which is our top priority. It is predicted that the total number of people over the age of 5 with hearing loss will increase year by year, and by the end of 2050, there will be approximately 290 million people, and those over the age of 70 will account for approximately 200 million.

Does uncompensated hearing loss increase the risk of dementia and disability?

The impact of hearing loss on the elderly is mainly caused by communication and cognitive impairment and emotional depression. The incidence of Alzheimer's disease in the elderly with mild, moderate and severe hearing loss is twice that of those with normal hearing. 3x and 5x. Hearing loss is a high risk factor for Alzheimer's disease and has become a prominent health problem in the global aging population.

A recent French study found that having hearing loss without intervention increases your risk of dementia and disability. Research also shows that wearing Hearing Aids eliminates this additional risk. Men with hearing loss are also at a much greater risk of depression if they don't wear hearing aids.

A large French scientific study followed nearly 3,800 people for 25 years. They found that for the elderly with hearing loss, those who did not use hearing aids had a much higher risk of dementia and disability than those who used hearing aids.

According to this study, using hearing aids eliminates the additional risk of dementia and disability. Older adults who use hearing aids are not at higher risk than people with normal hearing.

Studies have found that if you have hearing loss but do not use a hearing aid, your risk of developing dementia increases by 21%. If you use a hearing aid, there is no higher risk than a person with normal hearing.

According to this study, untreated hearing loss increases the risk of disability. In the study, older adults with hearing loss who did not use hearing aids had a 28% increased risk in activities related to daily living, such as bathing and getting dressed. The risk increased by 13% when it came to activities involving device use, such as phone use, medical management, shopping and transportation. people using hearing aids, no higher risk than people with normal hearing.

In the report, men with hearing loss who did not use hearing aids had a 43% increased risk of depression compared with older adults with normal hearing or who used hearing aids. The study did not find an increased risk of depression in women.

Cognitive Decline
Early findings using the same data and populations have shown that self-reported hearing loss is associated with accelerated cognitive decline in older adults, and that hearing aid use all but eliminates this association. Know the decline.

Delayed treatment of deafness in the elderly is very harmful. Long-term tinnitus and loud TV sound but still unclear hearing are all possible early manifestations of presbycusis. . 80% of elderly people do not receive any intervention after hearing damage occurs, eventually leading to deafness. Therefore, early intervention and treatment for the elderly to preserve their remaining hearing is very important to improve their quality of life in their later years.

Deafness in the elderly will make them more lonely, cause psychological trauma, slow reaction and mental decline. Research shows that presbycusis is positively correlated with brain atrophy and Alzheimer's disease. With hearing loss and disuse of hearing function, atrophy may be aggravated and Alzheimer's disease may come early.

The development speed of deafness far exceeds our imagination. It can make you deaf in a short period of time, and it is permanent. Deaf patients must pay attention to the disease for their own health. , please treat it in time.

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