What happens to our hearing? Should we go to an otologist for examination?

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  • Views:255
  • Source:Advance Hearing Aids
Hearing loss can lead to poor communication, frequent interruptions during conversations, constant requests for repetitions, and answering questions that are not what is asked, etc., which gradually leads to isolation from society. The isolation caused by this communication barrier is like a person being enclosed in a glass bottle. He can see the outside world, but cannot communicate with the outside world.

What happens to hearing and should we go to an otologist for examination?
Performance 1: Can’t hear other people’s voices clearly, especially female voices talking to children or softer voices;
Performance 2: Can’t hear the voices of two or more people talking;
/>Performance 3: Unclear pronunciation and enunciation, “big tongue” phenomenon, not fond of talking or communicating with others;
Performance 4: Cannot hear birdsong, insect chirping or phone ringing with high frequency High key sounds;
Performance 5. The sound is unnatural and uncomfortable.

Being "hard-of-hearing" will lead to many adverse consequences, such as the personality will gradually become withdrawn and eccentric. Due to the lack of communication with others, the elderly's thinking ability will become slower and they are prone to depression and Alzheimer's disease. When the human body hears sounds, the brain becomes excited when it receives sound signals; but when it cannot hear sounds, the consciousness will be in an unexcited state, the brain loses vitality, and its response to external stimulation slows down; the brain needs to consume more energy. To process sounds, some energy originally used to process memory and thinking will be sacrificed, which will lead to a decline in the thinking and memory of the elderly in the long run.

Extended information:
* Hearing loss is a manifestation of auditory dysfunction. In mild cases, it is called hard of hearing or hearing loss, and in severe cases, it is called deafness or total deafness. Generally speaking, hearing loss is divided into three categories: conductive, sensorineural, and mixed.
* Conductive hearing loss: Lesions in the outer or middle ear impede the transmission of sound waves into the inner ear.
* Sensorineural hearing loss: Lesions in the cochlea, auditory nerve or auditory center cause hearing loss that impairs sound perception and cognitive function.
* Mixed hearing loss: Any combination of factors that cause conductive hearing loss and sensorineural hearing loss can cause mixed hearing loss, which is a combination of conductive hearing loss and sensorineural hearing loss. Features.