What should I do if my left ear loses hearing due to sudden deafness?

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  • Source:Advance Hearing Aids
Sudden deafness refers to sudden hearing loss. Patients often feel that their ears are covered with a layer of paper and sounds are distant. These patients can clearly tell when the problem occurred. Many patients also experience tinnitus, and in severe cases, dizziness, nausea, and vomiting. Sudden deafness used to mostly occur in middle-aged people aged 40 to 50, but in recent years the age of onset has been on a downward trend, with the incidence increasing among teenagers.

What should I do if my left ear loses hearing due to sudden deafness?

Sudden deafness refers to sensorineural hearing loss that occurs suddenly within 72 hours and has no known cause. If it is sudden deafness, it is a sudden onset of severe or extremely severe sensorineural hearing loss in one ear, and occasionally both ears, and total deafness can occur within 48-72 hours. For sudden deafness, the earlier the treatment, the better. 72 hours is the golden treatment time. It is recommended that you seek medical treatment as soon as possible.

Common causes of sudden deafness include vascular diseases, viral infections, autoimmune diseases, and infectious diseases Disease, etc., however, it is difficult to determine the cause during the onset of the disease. However, once sudden deafness occurs, it must be diagnosed and treated as soon as possible.
The first thing to emphasize is to treat it as soon as possible. This is because if the disease course exceeds a certain time, hearing will be irreversibly damaged as the hair cells in the inner ear die. Patients usually respond well to treatment within one week of onset. Of course, the earlier treatment is given, the better the prognosis will be. Therefore, once sudden deafness occurs, you should seek medical treatment as soon as possible. Outpatient hearing tests, otoendoscopy, etc. will further clarify the cause, and then provide standardized treatment.

Why should sudden deafness be treated as early as possible?
You must have heard of "myocardial infarction". Once it occurs, you need to go to the hospital for treatment in time to clear the blocked coronary arteries and save the patient's myocardium. In fact, sudden deafness should also be taken seriously.
The inner ear hair cells used to perceive sound are the same as myocardial cells. Once they die from ischemia, they cannot be regenerated. Therefore, it is very necessary to provide treatment in the early stages of the disease, when the hair cells are only damaged but not dead.
Unfortunately, we often find that some patients do not pay attention to the early stage of the disease and do not pay attention to it.Come to the hospital for treatment promptly. Many patients think that they will be fine just by taking a rest, but as a result, they miss the best opportunity for treatment. The hair cells have partially died, and the hearing that might have been completely restored can only be partially restored, or even permanent tinnitus is left.

Clinical treatment of sudden deafness often adopts a comprehensive treatment method. If there are no contraindications to the use of drugs, glucocorticoid treatment is selected. At the same time, drugs such as nerve nutrition, microcirculation improvement, and anticoagulation can be given. The main method is intravenous drip. In addition, for middle-aged people who are prone to hearing loss, they should try to avoid excessive fatigue, stabilize their mood, relax their mood, reduce colds, and avoid using ototoxic drugs to prevent the occurrence of sudden deafness.

If you find that you or your relatives or friends around you have sudden hearing loss, you should report it as soon as possible. Go to the hospital for treatment. The otolaryngologist will perform a detailed ear examination and perform a hearing test on the patient. If sudden deafness is diagnosed, drugs to nourish the nerves and improve microcirculation will be given based on the nature and degree of hearing loss. If necessary, glucocorticoids and fibrinogen-lowering drugs will be given to help the affected ear recover as soon as possible.

Daily care methods
Since the cause of sudden deafness is still unknown, there is no targeted prevention measure. As a general prevention, you can pay attention to the following points in daily life:
1. Strengthen exercise, strengthen physical fitness, avoid colds, and prevent viral infections;
2. Do not overwork, pay attention to the balance between work and rest, and maintain Feel happy both physically and mentally;
3. Maintain a balanced diet and eat more fresh fruits and vegetables. Reduce the stimulation caused by cigarettes, alcohol, coffee, etc.;
4. Control systemic chronic diseases such as high blood pressure, hyperlipidemia, and diabetes;

If you find a sudden hearing loss If the condition drops, please immediately put down what you are doing and go to the hospital for rescue treatment!