How to prevent acute catarrhal otitis media?

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  • Source:Advance Hearing Aids
Catarrhal otitis media is a non-suppurative inflammation caused by Eustachian tube obstruction and ventilation and drainage dysfunction. It can occur in both children and adults and is one of the common causes of deafness in children. It is common in children and young people. Due to upper respiratory tract infection, especially rhinitis, if it is not treated in time, or the nose cannot be blown correctly, it will cause Eustachian tube obstruction about 5-7 days after the cold.

How to prevent acute catarrhal otitis media?
The prevention of catarrhal otitis media is mainly to prevent the occurrence of colds.

If a cold does not occur, the pharyngeal and nasopharyngeal mucosa will reduce the chance of edema and congestion, and the function of the Eustachian tube will be in good condition. If a cold has already occurred, focus on systemic medication and be reluctant to use medication in the nose and nasopharynx. This is not conducive to the recovery of the cold and is also detrimental to the function of the Eustachian tube.

In fact, when treating a cold, in order to prevent the occurrence of catarrhal otitis media, it is necessary to drop medicine into the nasal cavity in time. This not only facilitates the discharge of nasal secretions, but also prevents swelling of the mucous membranes of the nose and nasopharynx, making the Eustachian tube function well, which can prevent catarrhal otitis media.

In addition, the treatment of colds should be thorough, and do not stop taking the medicine as soon as the symptoms improve. In fact, the pharyngeal and nasopharyngeal mucosa is still swollen at this time, so stop taking the medicine prematurely. It will delay the recovery time and form local mucosal hypertrophy, which will affect the function in the future. If the Eustachian tube is blocked due to other reasons, timely removal of the cause is the best prevention. Children under 10 years old should be tested for acoustic immittance regularly to detect them early.

The principle of treatment for catarrhal otitis media is to improve middle ear ventilation, clear middle ear fluid and treat the cause.

Systemic application of antibiotics and corticosteroids can promote the regression of mucosal edema and prevent intratympanic fluid accumulation and organized adhesions. Local hot compress and massage. Instill 1% ephedrine saline solution into the nose to promote the recovery of Eustachian tube function. Take dexamethasone or prednisone orally for short-term treatment. However, there are reports that acute use of steroids in children does not improve hearing. For long-term tympanic effusion, tympanic membrane puncture and fluid extraction can be performed under strict disinfection.

Methods to unblock the Eustachian tube:
1. The drug method is to use nasal drops such as furosemide solution to unblock the Eustachian tube;
2. Swallowing and blowing method and nose pinching and blowing method;
3. Catheter blowing and blowing method requires a specialized doctor to operate. The latter two should not be used inUsed in cases of acute upper respiratory tract infection.