What kind of harm will water in the ears cause to the body?

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  • Views:228
  • Source:Advance Hearing Aids
Everyone has water in their ears, and water in their ears is a relatively common phenomenon. After a person has water in his ears, he or she will temporarily be unable to hear sounds, and some people may also experience dizziness. Phenomenon, although these symptoms are temporary, water in the ears is ultimately uncomfortable. Moreover, in addition to the symptoms mentioned above, there will be some other symptoms when water enters the ear.

What kind of harm will water in the ears cause to the body?
Water in the ears is harmful to the body. It is generally not a problem if clean water enters the ears. However, if there is cerumen in the external auditory canal, it should be removed, otherwise it will easily cause pain, inflammation and hearing loss after swelling.
Dirty water enters the external ear canal. The softening and swelling of the earwax will cause the ear canal to block water flow, which may lead to otitis externa or otitis media. If the eardrum of a person who has already suffered from otitis media has a perforation, dirty water may enter the middle ear and cause otitis media. Aggravated.
If there is water in the ear, you can use sterilized absorbent cotton or soft absorbent paper, gently put it into the water-filled ear and suck it out, or point the water-filled ear hole downward, jump on one foot a few times on the same side, and use your hands at the same time. Pull on the ear to straighten the ear canal and let the water drain out.

Tips to help you solve the problem of water in the ears

1. Cotton swabs absorb water

When there is water in the ears, You can use a cotton swab to put into the ear to absorb water, but you must be careful to do it gently to ensure that you do not hurt the ear canal.

2. Chewing gum

You can also solve the problem of water in the ears by chewing gum, because doing so can create airflow in the ears. and oppression, this method is easier to use.

3. Jump on one foot

Lift the foot opposite the ear that is in the water, and jump with the other foot to get out of the water. . Stand on the shore, tilt your head to the side with water, support your body with your legs on that side, and jump in place several times to let the water flow out of your ears.

4. Move the external auditory canal

You can continuously press the tragus with your palms or pull the auricle with your fingers. Or repeatedly opening the mouth or moving the temporomandibular joint can make the skin of the external auditory canal move up, down, left, and right, or change the stability of the water barrier and the stability of the pressure, causing water to flow outward from the external auditory canal.

5. Lie on your side and face down
When sleeping, lie down on your side, that is, the ear that has water in it. Turn the ear that has water in it downward, and use the gravity of the water to make the ear The water in it flows out by itself.

6. Press your ears with your hands
Spread your hands in the shape of a palm and press in the waterEars, use the air pressure formed by the hands against the ears to suck out the water.

7. Absorb water with the palm of the hand
Til the water-filled ear downward, press the auricle tightly with the palm of the same side, hold your breath, and then quickly release the palm of the hand. Repeat several times in a row. The water will be sucked out.

8. Atmospheric pressure method

Using the principle of atmospheric pressure, point the ear where the water is entering upward, fill it with water, and then pour the water out suddenly.